At Brain in Hand, our purpose is to make the world a more accessible place.
At Brain in Hand, our users benefit from personalised 1:1 support from dedicated coaches throughout their license period, ensuring a tailored system that suits their unique needs. Our coaching sessions offer a safe and non-judgmental environment where Brain in Hand users can address their challenges, discover effective strategies, and work towards significant goals.
Experience this at The Autism Show on stand D12! Reserve your free 1:1 coaching session with a Brain in Hand coach to delve into the advantages of coaching, understand how we co-produce custom support plans, and start building solutions that lead to meaningful change.
Each session lasts 20 minutes and takes place in person, catering to autistic individuals aged 14 years and above, as well as parents and caregivers interested in exploring how the integration of coaching and digital tools could work for them.
During your session, you’ll collaborate with a coach to focus on one of three areas related to preparing for The Autism Show. With your coach’s guidance, you’ll pinpoint potential barriers you may have encountered and explore how solution-focused coaching, coupled with technology, can build your confidence and empower you to manage difficult situations.
For more information call 01392 247 909, email support@braininhand.co.uk or visit www.braininhand.co.uk.